Absolutely we need to see systemic change, more holistic management of the supply chain as a whole. We have in the past proposed a Canadian farm resilience agency that would be able to provide assistance to farmers in terms of education and cover cropping. We're currently facing a fertilizer crisis as one of our big supply chain issues. Farmers need to find low-cost alternatives that are more environmentally friendly and that will still fit their needs. A lot of farmers just got notice this past week that Bayer has declared force majeurefor one of its most popular pesticide products. Farmers are scrambling to figure out how they're going to implement their production for this year. We really do need to find ways for farmers to be less dependent on these inputs, because when something breaks at a factory overseas, all of a sudden we're scrambling and anticipating yields going down and costs going up again.
We really do think that systemic changes at the level of a Canadian farm resilience agency and more holistic views of the whole supply chain are absolutely in order.