I think there needs to be a program of support to open new small abattoirs across the country. I think one way to ensure that those maintain competitiveness going forward is to look at something like what we have for grain transportation, whereby we have maximum revenue entitlement for grain transportation by the rail companies because otherwise you take away all of the options.
For example, I was at my local abattoir in October picking up some pork, and they were already taking calls for pigs to be brought in in October of this fall, so that was months before the piglets would even be conceived. That's just one small part of eastern Ontario. The shortage is far worse for cattle because all of the knock-on effects from the federal slaughter system have flowed into the provincial abattoirs and there's just not enough space. People are losing orders. They are deciding to just not kill as many animals or are reducing herd sizes. It's going to create really big problems in the long term.