I guess the only thing I would add is that we need to look at it holistically. Reducing emissions from fertilizers is one thing. Reducing fertilizer use on farms is another.
As Chris said, nitrogen is a key tool in terms of yield. Something that is also important to look at holistically is that 70% of all carbon storage in field crops is actually through canola. Canola stores 70% of the carbon stored by field crops. The deep root system is very good at storing carbon. Reducing a key fertility tool like nitrogen would actually impact the amount of carbon being stored while also having economic ramifications for farmers in the value chain.
We need a holistic approach to these conversations. They can't be held as one-offs that we then try to marry together on top of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's wanting to reach $75 billion in exports. We need a holistic approach that looks at all the moving pieces, Mr. Falk.