I have been training young farmers for 15 years now. As soon as you come out of the typical farming environment, you have a very poor understanding of what the agri-food sector involves and the technological level of agri-food production. Guidance counsellors, for example, are not inclined to guide young people into this sector.
Why train a biologist rather than an agronomist? We need both, just as we need technologists and vocational graduates, who can do agricultural mechanics instead of mechanics as such. The agri-food sector has long been taken for granted. We need to succeed in promoting agri-food specificity in the training programs.
There are also consumer expectations. Some consumers sometimes have extremely unrealistic expectations. You can add quality controls, and producers are certainly willing to do that, but it comes at a price. The more demands there are, the higher the price. The consumer needs to understand that all these requirements will have a cost at the end of the day and they need to be prepared to pay for it.