Thank you, colleagues. We did very well to get three rounds in.
Thank you, Mr. Johns, for giving us a couple of minutes back.
On behalf of the committee, I'd like to thank all of our witnesses here today in the room—Mr. Berrigan and Ms. Reynolds—and on screen—Mr. Lampron, Mr. Doyon and Madame Tessier. Thank you for your contribution to agriculture and for being here today.
Now, just before you go, colleagues, we do have the subcommittee report that the clerk has prepared. We did discuss this. She wants us to be able to move forward and put this forward. I know there were conversations about maybe going in a different direction. That's fine. We, as a committee, can always decide differently, but I would like to table that we did have a subcommittee meeting and we did discuss some things, and if it changes down the line, it changes down the line. I'm not steering you wrong, I promise.
Do I have unanimous consent to concur in the report?