There's so much on a daily basis that a farmer is thinking about or dealing with that is out of their control but directly influences their ability to be successful. All of that is weighing on them at all times. They are living where they work, so they don't have the ability to go home at the end of the day and distance themselves. That adds to the mental load and stress that they're constantly carrying.
We have seen, in growing years, the disconnect between those who produce food and those who are no longer connected to the farm. We're all consumers, so I'm not going to do a “this or them”. A lot of producers are feeling that they're not understood. They're feeling as though people have the idea that they're trying to hurt their animals or don't care about their animals, or that they don't care about what they're doing or the environment.
They can't control their prices and they can't control the weather or trade. To have the additional risk that someone at some point can come to their farm, their barn or their home.... Maybe it's just that, and maybe they can't send their children out to do chores because they're scared of that, and the weight of that—