I'd add this from personal experience. I grew up on a dairy and beef farm and it was a family farm. My father and my uncle farmed together, and animal health was paramount in what we did. Our family vacations were going to cattle shows. We loved our animals. I could go on for an hour about the show calves I've had, the nights I slept in the barn to make sure that when the calves were born, they were okay. It was something very important to us and it was a family tradition to make sure that our animals were well taken care of. I think that's the norm. I don't think we were special.
These family farms need protection now. What they're going through now is a cultivated effort to make sure that the farmers are shown as villains, and I believe that's what this is sometimes. They're trying to show farmers as villains, and we, as parliamentarians, need to stand up for our family farmers and make sure they're safe, make sure their families are safe.
I just want to thank you for all the work you do, and thank all the witnesses for being here today. I'll leave the final comments to you, Megz, on anything more we could do to help our farmers.