Wait just one second, Mr. Drouin. I'll get an opinion, and then we'll come back to you in a second.
Colleagues, the piece of paper that Mr. Barlow's team distributed is not truly a subamendment.
Mr. Drouin, to answer your question, what we would have to ask Mr. Barlow.... If this is the desire of the majority of the committee or we think this is a pathway forward, what Mr. Barlow would have to do is officially move this. It would actually have to be the last thing we consider, but at least if it's on the record it would then be applicable and, of course, if we were to adopt NDP-2 or G-2, then this wouldn't be able to be moved, so it would be up to the committee to say that we could consider this last.
Procedurally, that's how we would have to go.
Ms. Taylor Roy, I think it's on procedure, so I'll go to you.
I'm going to go to you, Mr. MacGregor. You've been waiting patiently.
Then I will come back to you, Ms. Taylor Roy.