Thank you, Mr. Chair. I'll try not to be too long.
Mr. Barlow, thanks for your feedback. In terms of the word “farm”, certainly I'm open to an expansion of that in order to touch upon some different pieces here.
I have a quick question for Dr. Ireland. Then I have a question for Mr. Barlow. Once we get through other colleagues, perhaps we can come back to that.
Dr. Ireland, this is to Mr. MacGregor's previous comment on the bill as it's currently worded and “knowing that or being reckless as to”. It confuses me in regard to how we determine, and who determines, what is reckless. If that can't be determined, then effectively the rest is moot. That's why in part I tried to replace “reckless” with a specific mention of biosecurity measures, regardless of whether they may vary across different properties.
If the bill were to be passed as is, who would be responsible for determining what reckless is? Would you be able to provide an example, if one comes to mind, about where one would be found guilty or in breach of this law for having been reckless, should it pass as is?
I also have a question for Mr. Barlow, but I don't want to monopolize. I'm sure Mr. Drouin wants to talk too. Perhaps I'll save my question for later.