I had read that, and I had understood that it was there as well, but I don't believe that this offence is.... In my mind, the way this is written right now, this is a trespass offence. Those fines are for actual biosecurity violations. If there was a posting on a wall already that there was a biosecurity event, and someone went in when they saw the notice and they weren't supposed to go in, that would be different, in my mind. The way this bill is currently written, it really is just about people unlawfully going in. It doesn't mention biosecurity. There's no reference to a disease being spread or anything happening.
I felt that those particular penalties were actually out of line with this piece of legislation that you're putting forward. That's why I suggested this. I went back to the provincial legislation. This is much more akin to what the provincial legislatures have passed. It's higher than the $10,000, which is the normal trespassing penalty, but in both the Alberta legislation and the Ontario legislation, it's $25,000 in their bills that are comparable to what you're trying to do here. That's why I suggested that it should be brought down to that level.
In fact, though, the second piece, the second one I brought forward, was to eliminate proposed subsection 65(1.2), in which case Mr. MacGregor's recommendation that we just go with what's here already would have been appropriate. However, I understand that you do not want to eliminate proposed subsection 65(1.2), so I would suggest that the penalties for individuals be brought more in line with the existing legislation.