Yes. Thanks, Barb and MP Taylor Roy.
We've heard a few times about—and have already had questions on—the issue of limited slaughter capacity in Canada. It's not an easy, quick fix, I imagine, but it's certainly something that has a lot of buy-in. We know farmers in multiple provinces have expressed this concern. The National Farmers Union has been working on this issue. I have heard Quebec and B.C. farmers expressing the need for that. Sometimes they can't even book their animals in a slaughter plant, because there's not enough space. Also, the domination of the processing facilities by two conglomerates needs to change.
I think, because there's so much buy-in, we need to work together—industry, animal welfare groups and others—to make this happen.
I can give you an example from the research I did on the end of life for cull dairy cows. In certain cases—