I call this meeting to order.
Welcome to meeting No. 78 of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri‑food.
I will start with a few reminders. Today's meeting is taking place in a hybrid format. The proceedings will be made available via the House of Commons website. Just so you are aware, the webcast will always show the person speaking, rather than the entirety of the committee. In addition, screenshots or taking photos of your screen is not permitted during the meeting.
Good morning to all my colleagues.
I would now like to welcome the witnesses.
First of all, today, on behalf of the Canadian Cattle Association, we have Jack Chaffe, officer at large. It's very good to see you here in the room. We also have Ryder Lee, general manager. Ryder, it's nice to see you again and thanks for being here before our committee.
From the Canadian Pork Council, we have René Roy, who is the chair. It's great to see you, René. We have Eric Schwindt, who is also part of the board and the group. It is great to see you here.
From the National Cattle Feeders' Association, we have Cathy Jo Noble, vice-president. It's lovely to see you again, Ms. Noble. Also, David Fehr is joining us by video conference. He is the chief financial officer of Van Raay Paskal Farms Limited. It's very nice to see you. Thank you for joining in virtually.
The way we do this, folks, is that we have five minutes for opening remarks, and then we'll turn it over to our members for questions.
Again, thank you for being here today on an important subject.
I'm going to start with the Canadian Cattle Association.
I'll turn it over to you, Mr. Chaffe or Mr. Lee.