How to balance public safety, animal safety and driver fatigue is a really hard question to answer. This is where the law is an ass. It's a hard, arbitrary line, and once you cross it.... Being prevented from doing the right thing in whatever situation you're in, because each situation is slightly different and sometimes it needs a unique and specific resolution for that particular thing....
What you don't want to have happen is having the hard, blunt instrument of the law dictate what's going to happen, because the repercussions of not obeying the law over doing what's right is going to lead to bad decisions. Doing what's right is what should be done in situations when you have unforeseen circumstances arising, and that might be different this time from what it is next time, or it might be different if I'm doing it here or down there or whatnot.
A driver wants to be able to have the flexibility to know that when he's faced with unforeseen circumstances, he can make decisions to do the right thing without being punished because he did the right thing by breaking a hard, arbitrary law. That's where we're coming from.