Thank you very much. Those are good examples of the unintended consequences.
You said earlier that there are circumstances when a driver can be an hour from the barn and has to pull over, wait for eight hours on the side of the road and then drive an hour to have the livestock unloaded at the barn. That's a lot of extra stress. If you're able to finish that last hour off, you can get to the barn, have the livestock unloaded, let them have a rest, be fed and watered and get back on the road.
When it comes to animal safety, would that be a much better situation for those animals?
Walk us through how it would help to give those drivers, when there are unforeseen circumstances, a bit more leeway so they're not worried about getting a ticket and having their licence dinged if they do get stopped by the highway patrol.
Having the opportunity to just finish off that last hour or hour and a half and get those animals into comfort is what we're working toward here, with guiding principles that would ensure better outcomes for both the drivers and the animals.