Thank you. That's a very real threat to our future food security as a nation.
I'm just switching gears here, and it's in line with what my colleague Ms. Rood asked the minister during the first hour. I was on a panel with the Canadian Produce Marketing Association last week. Of course, one of their big issues is the regulations coming from ECCC. Your department is in receipt of a letter from President Ron Lemaire, dated October 19. At the end of that letter, he had four recommendations.
Look, I live in a coastal community. I understand the dangers of plastic pollution. Our marine environment is especially at risk, and we know of the bioaccumulation of microplastics. Every time I go and catch salmon off our beautiful west coast, I know there's a good chance that there's a high degree of microplastics within the seafood that I'm catching. That's a very real threat.
That being said, the CPMA and the Fruit and Vegetable Growers have identified some very real concerns with this. I think there's a good intention here, but maybe also some unintended consequences. Technically, in the conversations you have with your ECCC counterpart, how are you trying to address their specific asks? If we're hearing threats from U.S. producers, saying they're not going to export to Canada because they can't deal with the regulatory burden and the fact that there's a very real danger of increased food waste and a danger to safe food handling, how are you addressing those concerns?