Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
Mr. Gebara, I need to revisit this issue because I think that, given the fact that you appeared before our committee in March, you should have had some anticipation that similar questions would come your way.
In March I very clearly asked about salaries, the wages you pay your frontline employees. Just given the fact that we do operate in the context.... Ms. Taylor Roy used the term “robust”, and “robust” is certainly an interesting way of describing executive compensation and pay.
With respect, sir, I am a little bit perturbed that you, as the CEO of Walmart Canada, given the fact that we are talking about food price inflation and that we know the stats that so many working people can't afford to even provide the basic necessities for their families....
I've seen your website, and we have seen the documents you have provided to this committee. You've certainly made a great show that you care about your employees, but the fact that you, as a CEO, are unaware of whether your employees are having to access the food bank to pull themselves through.... I think that would be a bit disconcerting to the Walmart Canada employees who are watching this right now.
Again, if we're to take you and other CEOs seriously on this very important subject to Canadians, how can we do so when you don't even appear to understand how many of your employees are having to access a food bank or whether they're being compensated appropriately?
If they are being kept in a state of being the working poor, does it not concern you, sir, that you don't have an accurate number on that?