This is an important point, because for a grocery store business, for any private enterprise, the goal is to grow the business. It's to increase the number of customers. It's to invest in communities, to build more stores and to increase the amount in sales. If we can increase the amount in sales, then the profit of the enterprise will go up. There should be record profits, in a way, for a successful company every year, year after year. That is not an indication of bad practices. It's not an indication of some sort of profiteering. It's just an indication of a business operating in exactly the way that it should. Three per cent of the total value of a grocery basket is profit. That's the smallest number for the large industries across Canada.
There's no evidence at all of profiteering or excess, but I do understand that Canadians are feeling this pressure and they are looking at these big numbers and thinking to themselves, gosh, if that company would not make so much profit, our food prices would go down. However, that's not the way it would actually work.