Yes, I did make a number of recommendations.
Number one was to review the front-of-pack labelling requirements. There is a significant incremental cost every time you have to change a packaging plate for ingredients, nutritional labelling and that sort of thing. We think there's an opportunity to use digital QR codes as an alternative, so that, instead of changing the packaging every time, we just have to update the information on the QR code. Right now, the front-of-pack labelling requirements are not going that way. That's a meaningful incremental cost.
We've suggested a pause on the P2 plastic proposal to reconsider the cost impact of that proposal to Canadians.
We lead the way in Canada when it comes to plastic packaging reduction. We're very bullish with the technological solutions that are ultimately going to be available to solve some of these problems, but right now, they don't exist. I've seen astonishing numbers that suggest that the P2 proposal could add as much as $6 billion of incremental cost to the value chain. We really have to think carefully about accelerating that one until we know that we have solutions that the industry can properly take on board.