Thank you, Ms. Taylor Roy.
Mr. Weston, I'll exercise just a few minutes for a few questions. I'll try to move as quickly as possible.
Part of your opening statement was about the code of conduct not necessarily driving grocery prices down. I would agree with you on that. We have to be very transparent about what the code does and doesn't do. We can't be telling Canadians that a grocery code of conduct is going to result in a huge drop in prices, but this committee also has an obligation to the supply chain and to the farmers who provide the products to your stores.
You talked about your concern about how the prices would go up. I'm looking at a graph from Dr. Charlebois, who laid out price increases over 10 years in countries that had a code versus those that didn't. I take note that there's a lot that goes into food pricing, but I want to dig into what you provided this committee specifically.
You mentioned clause 2.5, and I want to read it for the benefit of everyone. It states:
For the purposes of the Code, an agreement is anything that defines the material elements of a relationship between commercial parties. This can include contracts, invoices, purchase orders, bills of lading, emails and other forms of mutually agreed material that memorializes an understanding between parties.
I practised law for a short period of time. I might not have the experience of some of your corporate lawyers at Loblaw, but if you have an email, a bill of lading or some type of payment, then surely there would have been some discussion about the price at which the product was going to be charged. I can appreciate that it wouldn't be the ironclad commercial agreement that you might be seeking, but I think about a farmer in my own riding who might be providing produce for you. One of your agents at Loblaw says, “Look, we'll buy tomatoes at x amount.” That is a contract, so what is it specifically...?
You talk about negotiating in good faith. Those are examples of, at least, a commercial agreement between your company and a supplier. Why is that not good enough for you? Why is that code problematic, specifically?
You talk about negotiating in good faith, so what specifically don't...? If there was an invoice or a purchase order, there would have been some conversation about what the terms would be. Maybe they're not as exclusive or as high-end as a big food manufacturer, but why is that so problematic for you?