The grocery code of conduct is more than just the consumer. We're also talking about your relationship with the suppliers.
We did a previous study here in the agriculture committee and found that there are issues with the major grocers and suppliers. We want to make sure they're treated fairly too. I think that's something we need to continue to talk about as we move forward.
I did want to ask about some other solutions.
We're hearing from our communities that sales or discounts sometimes only happen if people buy in bulk, with two or more products. That's not reasonable for everyone. In order for everyone to get that reduced price, sometimes they have to buy more than they need. They may not be able to afford that expense outlay or the food could go bad before they get to use it. When there's a sale, the customers don't get the benefit of a reduced price unless they buy more than they need.
Is this a practice that you would consider? Would you offer the same price for a single product?