I think the reason this is such an emotional issue is that your stores sell the necessities of life—whether those are food, drink or medicines. You talked about the fact that you expect food prices to stabilize over the next year, but we just got a report saying that in 2024 they expect the annual cost for a family of four to go up to over $16,000, which is a $700 increase.
I think a lot of families in my region would look at that and say, that's not really stabilization. They look at that, and that's the reality for their life. In your last quarter, Q3, you posted a $621-million profit. In the same quarter the year before, it was $556 million.
Now you've come to this committee and you've explained your position on food price inflation, but when people in my riding are going through these incredible challenges—food prices are expected to go up again next year—it seems as though ordinary Canadians are shouldering all of the hurt and all of the struggle while corporations like yours, in the midst of all this pain and struggle, are still posting record profits.
You may argue that it's not coming from food, but you're still taking money from Canadians in other areas, and that's leaving them with probably less to spend on food elsewhere.