Sorry to cut you off, Mr. Gebara, but I have a limited amount of time. The code has proven effective elsewhere. That's what I just told you.
I'm going to switch topics. Let's talk credibility and how much we can believe what you're telling us.
When you were here before, an investigation into food pricing in grocery stores was under way. I asked the CEOs of the five major grocery chains who appeared whether they would commit to disclosing their numbers. When we asked for more details on those numbers, you all answered that you couldn't share that information because you were in competition with one another. As I said, the Competition Bureau was conducting a study at the same time, and the five CEOs told me that they were prepared to provide their numbers to the Competition Bureau. Nevertheless, when the Competition Bureau released its report a few weeks later, at the very beginning of the report, it criticized the fact that not all the companies had provided their figures.
Here is my question for you. Did you provide your figures to the Competition Bureau when it asked you for them?