Thank you.
I want to flip to tariffs—Ms. Roy talked about them. Last year the U.S. enacted the most significant climate policy to date, and over the past year, a mix of Republicans and Democrats, who don't always agree, as we know, echoed a push for measuring greenhouse gas emissions from certain products produced in the U.S. They hope the data will underpin the creation of a tariff on imports of carbon-intensive goods from other countries. We know there's a former president running who used it as a geopolitical weapon. We know the European Union is also implementing, or contemplating implementing, carbon tariffs on those countries without a recognized carbon-pricing mechanism.
We're in a position. If we don't provide a carbon-pricing mechanism and our trading partners start enacting tariffs, what are we presently preparing for with regard to some of these issues that could happen relatively quickly? In some cases, they are happening now.
Mr. Currie, do you have any opinion on that?