Thank you.
Colleagues, in terms of substitutions, Mr. Epp will be in for Mr. Barlow from 12 to one.
We'll look forward to seeing Mr. Epp, and we'll miss you, Mr. Barlow.
Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2) and the motion adopted by the committee on Thursday, October 19, 2023, the committee is resuming its study on efforts to stabilize food prices.
I'd now like to welcome our witnesses for this panel. From the agri-food analytics lab at Dalhousie University—and no stranger to this committee or the agriculture community—we have Dr. Sylvain Charlebois. We also have with us Stacey Taylor, who is a Ph.D. candidate. She's joining us by video conference. From the Canadian Federation of Agriculture, we have the president, Keith Currie. Scott Ross is on the line as well. From the Retail Council of Canada, we have Diane Brisebois, who is the president and chief executive officer. We also have with us Karl Littler, who is the senior vice-president of public affairs.
It's great to see you. Thanks for being here.
We have a great panel lined up today, colleagues. We're going to start with opening remarks for up to five minutes.
Mr. Charlebois, I'm going to start with you and go to the CFA next. It's over to you.