There are a couple of important things to keep in mind when we think about the carbon tax in agriculture, and agriculture and food, because those things are slightly different.
First, the government made a decision with the GST to exempt the food system because it's different. I think there's an interesting precedent to think about. Should food have been treated differently when it came to the carbon tax?
The carbon tax today is a relatively small amount, but it is an amount that's growing and we expect the impact will continue to increase. The reality is that the vast majority of emissions from agriculture and food are exempt from carbon pricing today, but they all aren't. One of the challenges we get with the carbon price as an effective policy tool is that there is a lot of inconsistency in how it's being applied. If you're a grain farmer, you're treated differently than if you're a greenhouse grower. If you're a livestock farmer, you're treated differently again. There's a really challenging policy environment around it. It also comes to the reality that, if what we really want to do is drive down emissions in agriculture, there are probably better ways to do it than through carbon pricing if you look at what's happening around the world.
On the challenge of the volatility in fuel prices, again, it's not just fuel prices. Fertilizer prices have been volatile and have been impacting farmers. It is a challenge that farmers deal with. Again, as was mentioned earlier, farmers don't have many options. Whenever these costs increase with this volatility that impacts them, they don't have the flexibility to pass it on to someone else. It is often their own income, their own livelihood, that gets impacted by those price increases.
When you think about those long-term solutions to volatility, helping farmers switch off of fossil fuels and look at other sources can be one of these really effective mechanisms to help them manage the volatility in oil and gas, but I think there's a different set of policy tools that could help them get to that point.