Given the need for more youth employment and to attract young people to this sector, which we obviously depend on greatly for our future, this seems to be a win-win situation right now. I don't know. I know the labour shortage is quite severe. Mr. Lehoux mentioned a shortfall of 300 employees in one area. I'm just wondering if more money is going to be allocated for this or has been requested in the budget to help address the strains that are being felt by this sector right now, not only in terms of labour but in terms of costs. Obviously, it's providing subsidies and there are so many stresses right now, from supply chain issues to fertilizer issues and with what's happening in Ukraine. I'm just thinking that if it was oversubscribed in agriculture, perhaps there's a way to get more funding into this and to try to address some of the labour shortages and cost pressures through a program like this. I just encourage the department to look at the possibility of doing more in this area.
I asked the minister about incentives for the agricultural sector to engage in the reduction of greenhouse gases. In the meetings we've had with different associations, they've been very eager and very willing to be involved and to try to help move forward on this important issue.
Once again, I know there are a number of different challenges the sector is facing right now. I know for some of the groups that have been here and for individual farmers, there are just so many other things to have to worry about right now and it's very difficult. I am wondering if you think the programs we have in place currently are sufficient in terms of incentives to help our young farmers or farmers who are really interested in trying to deploy new methods to reduce greenhouse gases? Do we have enough programs in place or do you see the possibility for other programs that could provide further support?