A number of recommendations that aren't covered in Bill C-59 come to mind.
I think provisions pertaining to mergers are important, which ties in with the discussion with Mr. Williams. Specifically, I'm talking about provisions to ensure that mergers don't harm competition.
I'll give you an example: the remedy standard for transactions that have an anti-competitive effect on the market. Currently, when a transaction lessens competition substantially, the remedy standard in the case law merely requires that the lessening of competition cease to be substantial. It's fine if competition is lessened, because there's no remedial requirement that competition be restored to pre-merger levels. That's one of the recommendations we provided during the consultations.
We also submitted recommendations pertaining to concentration thresholds and the importance of building concentration-related presumptions into merger reviews to ensure that the merger does not exceed a certain concentration threshold. The burden would be on companies to prove that it was not an anti-competitive merger, which is similar to the practice in the U.S.