To add on to that, the costs of production are going up and our returns are declining, so farmers have less money in their pockets to address these issues that we need to address to fight climate change.
One thing I also want to point out is that the burden on associations, growers and industry to contribute to research keeps going up. We have these problems and we are receiving less money for our products and our costs of production are going up, and then we're seeing that our share of research projects keeps going up as well. It's really hard to find those dollars to contribute to those research projects that can help us find ways to reduce our own environmental impacts and mitigate climate change on our own farms as well as to look to the future to try to see what's coming and to plan for how we can grow in changing conditions.
I think there's a lot that the federal government can do in terms of lessening the burden on industry and on associations regarding our contributions to research, because we simply just don't have cash available to put into these projects, and we see the contribution formula change from fifty-fifty to seventy-thirty. It might be well-intended, but it's really difficult for us to come up with that cash when our farmers are struggling to make ends meet and even to farm.