Thank you very much. Thanks for sharing your time.
Thank you to all the witnesses for being here.
It's an incredibly important conversation, because I think confronting the challenges of climate change and pollution while supporting our farmers is what's needed. I was very encouraged by the conversation Mr. MacGregor had about how we can provide solutions. Leaving things the way they are is not a solution.
One thing I like to say is that often, when some of the members talk about the costs of these programs, they don't talk about the cost of doing nothing.
You were talking, Mr. Spurr, about the increasing climate events you and many farmers are facing. We know that with plastic production, not only are these microplastics getting into our environment, but they affect groundwater, food chains and supply chains, and they are having a huge impact on human health. We never look at the costs that are incurred from that; we only see the one side of it.
You said that the quality and the environmental standards are very important to you.
I spoke with two members from your organization yesterday, Dave and Aaron. We were talking about the greenhouses in particular. One thing they were talking about was how the carbon is captured in the greenhouses to be used for growing the plants. I thought that was really encouraging.
Is that one thing we can look at in terms of continuing to have a price on pollution to help us reduce greenhouse gases, but at the same time rewarding farmers for what they are doing to help with environmental goals?
Mr. Larrass, I'd ask you that first.