I was just in Europe last week. We had the opportunity to have one of our team on a panel with German, Dutch and Belgian panellists, an individual from the U.K. and an Italian. There's great concern in the EU, where we're seeing a shift towards looking at how to move to a plastic-free environment for produce.
What's interesting is that in the European Commission, Parliament shot down the wording that was proposed. It's gone back to the EU commission. The commission has proposed new wording that looks at introducing a model with a series of caveats. It's the opportunity to basically enable the state governments to not incorporate an elimination strategy if there is a disproportionate economic and administrative cost.
I'm just looking at this, which is from our EU partners. I apologize for looking at a document here. It's looking at whether they see issues relative to increased water loss or turgidity loss, microbiological hazards or physical shocks, oxidation.... All of these exemptions for which the states would be enabled have gone back to the European Parliament.
We understand that the Parliament is potentially going to reject this as well because of the hypersensitivity in the EU relative to where industry is, where the ability is to actually meet these targets and the dramatic impact on the consumer in these jurisdictions because of the inability to transfer from a plastic environment.
The bigger picture here is a circular economy. How do we keep the plastics in the system? How do we enable collection and recycling—