Thank you, Mr. Chair. It is a pleasure to present to this committee today, and it's icing on the cake that I get to do it with Ron. It's good to see everyone.
My name is Stefan Larrass. I'm the chair of the business risk management working group at the Fruit and Vegetable Growers of Canada.
I will do my best today to provide you with the collective perspectives of our 14,000 farm members who grow fruits and vegetables across the country today.
I know this committee is examining issues affecting the horticultural sector. The critical issue for our sector that I will focus on today is financial viability.
A 2022 survey conducted by our association revealed that 44% of our growers are operating at a loss and that 77% can't offset production cost increases. Our findings are consistent with AAFC's analysis of recent farm income trends at the sectoral level.
There are several headwinds I want to speak to that are causing this financial challenge, the first one being inflation on input costs. Consumers are experiencing 15%-20% increases, commonly, in many of their grocery prices. What they often don't know is that this includes the share of the retailer and wholesaler as well, and not just the farmer. What consumers definitely can't be expected to know is that farming input costs, like nitrogen fertilizer, have increased by as much as 128%, and diesel by 110%, and natural gas by 85% between 2020-2023.
Labour costs are typically the largest operating expense for fruit and vegetable farms, which often rely significantly on manual labour, due to the sensitivity of our crops, as you are well aware. When the federal government projects that the only major input cost that isn't stabilizing or declining in the foreseeable future is labour, this is particularly worrisome for our sector, because it will impact our farms' bottom line five times more than others, like livestock and grains.
The other headwind is asymmetrical regulatory burden and support compared to our competitors.
I will start with some questions.
How much do we expect ourselves to know about the environmental regulations for blueberries from Peru before we buy them, or for grapes from Chile? How much can we expect to know about the labour regulations for raspberries or tomatoes from Mexico before we buy them? How much should we expect ourselves to know about the financial support levels for U.S. farming imports before we buy American lettuce or cauliflower?
Obviously, we can't ask consumers to reflect on this, when all they want to do is buy food for their families and contain their growing grocery bill. Groups like this and policy-makers need to reflect on these questions because they matter.
The answers explain so much about why many of our Canadian growers find themselves struggling to keep up with our international competition. For example, when it comes to financial support, the U.S. provides twice as much as Canada to sectors that are outside of the supply management system. When it comes to environmental regulations, research like the 2020 study by the Fraser Institute showed that Canada ranked well ahead of import competitors like Chile, for example, on important issues like pesticide use. The only countries more stringent than Canada in this study were European countries, and they happen have twice as much support level as Canada.
Again, I don't think we can expect people to know all of the regulations or support levels that surround each fruit or vegetable being put into their grocery cart. We do know that Canadians—and we know this for sure—care to know that whatever is grown in Canada is grown at the highest level of care, responsibility, and due diligence, whether we're talking environmental standards, labour laws or otherwise, and that is entirely fair and appropriate.
The question I hear from growers that I want to share with this committee is this: If we can't force other countries to raise their regulations to meet ours, but we allow their blueberries to be sold next to ours, and if we can't force other countries to lower their financial support to our levels, but we allow their subsidized lettuce to be sold next to ours, can we really be that surprised that many of our domestic growers report they can't keep up and are facing a financial crisis as a result of the recent inflation input costs?
I will conclude with this question. What can be done? I know this committee is examining crop insurance and one-off programs. I will conclude on those two themes by starting with a quote from Alan Ker, who is a researcher at the University of Guelph and the managing editor of the Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics. He said:
Note that AgriInsurance is mainly for field crops whereas AgriStability is mainly for livestock operations.
Moreover, the horticulture sector which faces significant product quality variability does not fit either program.
That's the challenge that I welcome for discussion. AAFC analysis shows that not only does our sector have significant gaps in the crops that have crop insurance available to them, but even for crops where coverage is available, the uptake is, on average, significantly lower than in the cash crop sector. This reflects the difficulty to develop effective insurance products for the 120 crops in our sector.
The difficulty in establishing a crop insurance product is a cautionary signal for anyone hoping that revenue insurance will be a silver bullet for our sector, since revenue insurance essentially relies on a given commodity having an underlying crop insurance product.
Our growers have made it clear that AgriStability needs to be fixed to make it effective, particularly for those with insufficient or no crop insurance options. The program's trigger level needs to be returned to 85% of a farm's historical reference margin. Our growers believe that while AgriStability remains at the current 70% trigger level, there is a significant opportunity for the federal government to provide additional support to this sector in the short to medium term.
Provinces like Ontario and Quebec have shown that sector-specific solutions are possible. Our growers are looking to the federal government to work with provinces and territories to develop or enhance regional solutions that address the financial challenges experienced in our uniquely diverse sector.
With that, on behalf of Canada's fruit and vegetable growers, I would like to thank you for the opportunity to share our perspectives.