As we watch the world news today, there are some very horrific events going on. They can use drones for defence, but also in measurement with the technology here.
We're fortunate to have the Climate Lab on Prince Edward Island. They have shown us where they've flown a drone over some of the fields after the crop insurance.... Crop insurance is provincial. It's a program that's shared between the feds, the farmers and the province, but it is administered by the province.
Anyway, they've flown the drones over the field and found great differences between what they're able to measure versus people walking the fields. When people walk the fields, they have a minimum of a two-acre size that they can measure, if you're leaving some for wet spots or heavy rain. When we measured with a drone, we found—we can verify the numbers—a massive difference of what crop is left.
Once you have these things that are not calculated properly, the yields and measurements of different varieties get skewed. Therefore, the yield didn't come in the storage or in the bin, where the exact amount, right to the pound, can be packaged and measured at the end. If it's left in the field, you don't know whether it's 2%, 5% or 14%. Those things are devastating. Plus, the producers themselves can't take advantage of the program that's available.
Those are some of the reasons that the uptake on crop insurance is not what it needs to be to help give stability to agriculture.