Thank you very much, Ms. Forcier.
Mr. Gilvesy, it's nice to see you and Mr. Lee at the committee.
Going off some of the questions that have been asked previously by other members, you're aware that other countries are currently discussing carbon levies or import tariffs. Whether it's a price on carbon in Canada or another mechanism, we know that in the future, it affects anything we export. The United States is having this conversation as well. If countries don't have some sort of price on carbon, they will be dinged with an import tax, essentially, which would make our communities and businesses less competitive worldwide.
I'm wondering whether there's a preferred method you're asking for. I know Ontario had a system before 2018. Whether you liked it or not is another question. Would you prefer a cap and trade system or another price on pollution mechanism that's not the one we're currently under right now, which is federal jurisdiction?