I think it's about any additional administration that's required. In the case of foreigners coming and then having to export their horses out, any delays that might be caused due to either a misunderstanding or, as we've been discussing, the number of hours a horse might have to sit in prescribed crates on the tarmac or in the airplane itself can cause increasing welfare concerns. With the way the bill was written when we first read it—and I know it's gone through some changes—it said very clearly that some sort of letter signed by the minister would have to be delivered directly to the pilot. That seemed to be the kind of clarification we were looking for. For any delays at the moment of transportation or delays in paperwork that might be additionally required for those coming and going or returning, anyone's schedule would be highly affected given the dates you need to be at a different competition by in order to give the horse time to acclimate to the new location.
There are many different consequences. I could go through different scenarios. The one you mentioned is one of them.