Ms. Samson-French talked about the fact that, although the regulations may be the same between meat horses that are going to Japan versus what we'll call show horses for Spruce Meadows and things of that nature, the actual conditions in the plane can be vastly different because of their element.
Can you explain a bit, because as I understand it from testimony before this committee, the regulations are the same, but the conditions put in place by the individuals who may be shipping the horses may be different on the basis of their end outcome. How different is it? I want to give you the opportunity to explain. You said that you've been on the planes and you've talked to attendants.
Ms. Samson-French talked about the fact that there's different stationing between the horses.
Is there something we could do to be able to move the standards towards better animal health care, notwithstanding that we're not talking about million-dollar show horses either?