In our submission we have outlined the industry outlook and our outlook for volume as well as production.
I'd like to build on your comment that the current crisis being faced in the automotive industry is not just limited to North America. It is spreading around the world, and we are seeing it in all regions of the world.
Secondly, here in Canada we feel a great deal of responsibility to our communities where we operate, to our employees, our suppliers, our dealers, and all the other stakeholders who work with us. We have, as I indicated, more than 3,000 suppliers. That's about half the suppliers here in Canada. We have 700 dealers who employ more than 33,000 people. Then, of course, as you correctly point out, that has a multiplicative effect.
We feel a great sense of responsibility. The support to be provided by the Canadian taxpayers really extends far beyond General Motors, indirectly. It allows us to maintain our operations, support our suppliers, dealers, communities, the universities we're working with, and maintain a research and development centre here in Canada, which is very important.