Patient capital is simply capital that looks at this as a longer-term relationship. Right now the regular financial institutions are looking at your sales over the next six months, at whether they're inadequate. And they are inadequate; we're down 40% in production from what we normally are.
Capital has to look through the haze of this next year and ask, what is the viability of this company in mid-2010 and 2011, when we get back to more normal production volumes of 12 million and 13 million? You have to remember that we averaged 16 million units of production in North America for the last 10 years. Then the bottom dropped out to 10.5 million. Now it's looking as though we're going to hit 9.5 million units. You have to look to that and say, what does this company look like, even at $11.5 million or $12.5 million? Right now banks don't do that.