Thank you for the question and the opportunity to respond.
I believe the statistics you're quoting were taken from our own submission with regard to that matter. Yes, we are familiar with that program. We are also familiar with the statistics that you've quoted.
In that vein, we certainly believe that a voluntary solution is the way to approach this. I believe the previous witnesses from General Motors alluded to that as well. We certainly would support a voluntary approach to this. We certainly don't think there is a need for a legislated approach.
The bottom line is that we get absolutely zero phone calls from consumers complaining that they are having difficulty in accessing servicing for their vehicles, either outside or inside, within warranty. As we've stated in our own document, the right to repair issue is really a solution in search of a problem. We believe that a voluntary approach is the way to go on that. We would certainly be willing to cooperate with all parties in order to be able to arrive at that kind of solution.