It's also critical that people really understand what's going on out there with the credit market. You mentioned you haven't had much of a relationship in financing with the major financial institutions in the last couple of years. I think it's important for people to know--and I've raised this a couple of times--if you go to the websites of some of the major banks that are turning profits right now, they have interest payments for car loans anywhere from 5%, if you're a good credit risk, up to 14%. I know some dealerships are offering people with bad credit or difficult credit up to 30% interest.
Do you think the government should be doing some type of regulating there? If we don't come up with the $60 billion, we'll have to find financing somewhere else. The banks have money right now. They're still turning a profit. In fact they're the only ones making money on automobiles right now, which is outrageous. So is there a role there, especially since the Bank of Canada rate is so low right now?