As you and probably all members of the committee are aware, our industry is very integrated on a North American basis. We started that integration back in 1965 with the Auto Pact. To the extent we can, having common vehicle standards for safety and emissions on both sides of the border is extremely helpful for us. Any deviation from a common standard drives additional cost into the product and design process.
In some instances--especially, ironically, with our more advanced technology vehicles--when the volumes are so low, especially as they're being introduced to market, we often see delayed or potentially no introduction to Canada if the standards are such that we can't design to those unique standards and still make the business case for introducing those vehicles in Canada.
We've been happy with the commitment for a harmonized North American fuel economy standard, not fractionalized regional standards or a multiplicity of standards. We've benefited greatly from the harmonized emissions standards that we've had on tailpipe emissions.
On the safety front, there still are a number of standards that are not yet harmonized. We would encourage the government to continue to work to harmonize those as best they can.