First and foremost, what the industry needs is to find the bottom. The U.S. hasn't found the bottom, and we, quite frankly, have not found the bottom. There are great opportunities for the government to help the industry and the economy gain confidence and establish the bottom, and, as I said before, to put an anchor at sea for our boat so that we don't keep drifting deeper and deeper into a decline.
If you look at our industry right now, Ford is forecasting a 13% decline year over year, as I said. We're not forecasting that our sales will go down by 13%. Our sales decline will be far less than the industry decline, based on some of the things we talked about earlier.
That said, if you talk to some analysts in the industry, that decline varies. It goes as low as 20%. If we follow the same path that the U.S. has experienced, peak to trough was 42%. If we follow that same path—and we seem to be going down the same road today—without levelling off and finding a bottom, we're going to go from an industry of 1.7 million to an industry of a million, which will be catastrophic.
As I said before, that's $40 billion to $50 billion in sales. That's nearly $6 billion in tax revenues across the country. Main Street Canada is the area where this will hurt the most.