One of the fundamental principles of Honda, as I mentioned earlier, is to create blue skies for our children, so we have always believed very strongly in any activity that will help the environment. This is not new; it's not a bandwagon we're climbing on. This is something Honda was talking about 60 years ago, when he started the company. So even though we are an automotive company or we're a company involved with mobility, the company has always tried to have minimum impact on the environment, way before anybody started talking about eco-anything.
Basically, all we see is that a scrappage program is a must-have, from a philosophical point of view. Right now, we're looking for a stimulus that will get customers out purchasing something again. What a great combination. It's a win-win opportunity for everybody.
We believe the government is heading in the right direction with the $300 program, but if you look at Europe, where it's in excess of $3,000, or B.C., where I believe it's up to $2,000, we believe that kind of stimulus is necessary when there is no consumer confidence. People don't feel good. They don't want to go shopping right now—$300 isn't going to help.