I have my reservations. As I said, 10 years passed before workers were again earning their pre-recession salaries. It will surely take today's workers just as long to recover once the economy rebounds.
The price of consumer goods hasn't changed, but people's purchasing power has declined. Consequently, as a result of declining purchasing power, banks and credit unions are tightening credit conditions. They argue that if a person who once earned $14 or $15 an hour is now earning $10 or $11, credit conditions must be tightened up for a while. A person earning $15 an hour was thought to be able to afford a new car. However, when that person earns only $10 an hour, given the mortgage and other debts, financing for the purchase of a automobile is not so readily available.
I can understand that the automakers might need some assistance in the form of loans, but this situation cannot go on indefinitely.
Have you given any thought to what you will do once the crisis is over? The market will change. Today, for instance, the market is reacting a certain way, but in light of people's salaries, you will need to change your model options or build more affordable vehicles. People will not be able to obtain the required financing from the banks and the credit unions to purchase a new vehicle.
Have you given any thought to producing new models? Have you any other new car designs in mind?