In the math I'm looking at now, we've already spent 39 hours of committee time discussing this bill. We've set aside time to hear from another 60 organizations, so we've put a very significant amount of resources and time toward listening to witnesses. We have another 30 hours of committee testimony before we get to clause-by-clause study.
Furthermore, we have 15 hours set aside for clause-by-clause consideration. Generally, I've seen clause-by-clause consideration done in one or two meetings. For anyone who's serious about working on getting the best bill that we can and hearing from witnesses, this is far more than enough time. We spent months—months—dealing with this in the last Parliament. I would say that it was apparent to anybody who watched that proceedings that it was delayed at every turn by the opposition parties. We're just not going to see that happen this time.
We want to set aside a fair amount of time for debate and discussion. We want to hear from the witnesses we haven't heard from before, but clearly there are some in this room who don't want to see the bill passed.
This isn't going to be an interminable process. It just isn't.