I found the last comment quite interesting. One way to speed things up without imposing a deadline would be for the Conservatives to move their amendments, if they have any, so we can move on to dealing with them. I think that once it comes time to study amendments, one way to ensure we do things properly would be to contribute to the discussion. If the Conservatives adopt the same attitude they have in other committees, and there are no amendments, obviously, the process is going to drag on and on, because we want amendments. We are going to have to find a way to work on this copyright bill for the sake of the public good. Otherwise, you will keep doing what you are already doing. You heard from 130 people, yet you made no changes to the bill. That is unbelievable. Clearly, those people made suggestions and proposed amendments, but they were not taken into account.
Starting the debate based on the premise that it must come to an end on March 29th means that no amendments are expected to go through. What you are doing in the other committees is a disgrace to Canada's democracy. Never has a government operated in this manner. We checked the history books to see how other governments have behaved. In parliamentary committees, the members of the party in power work with the other members to improve legislation. That is not what you are doing here. I wish you would, and I will be here to make sure you do.