It won't take me five minutes, again, but I will weigh in on this.
First of all, we have agreement on a few things.
Mr. Cash, arts and culture are a big part of the economy. We agree on that. You made the allegation that we're talking about creators making too much money. No one on this side has actually said that creators make too much money. What we have said is that we need to have an honest discussion about the numbers, so when numbers are presented one way, when the impression is created by some on one side of the issue that creators are getting less money, that needs to be corrected. We have to put the actual numbers on the table to say that it's not true, and that's what we've done.
Quite clearly, what we need is a system that will be balanced so that creators have the opportunity to make money from their creations. To use Mr. Angus's nice story about old Ms. McGrady, I think he said that if old Ms. McGrady wants to make her memoirs available for free, that should be her decision, right? It should be up to her.