This goes back to our earlier concern about the roadblock this government is putting up in the face of people with perceptual disabilities. Not only do they face numerous obstacles in being able to access works, but now they're having to become computer software geniuses. In fact, if they extract a work so they can actually make use of it, they have to go and then repair the lock. It's kind of a bizarre concept. We're talking about a computer algorithm. I think the Conservatives actually thought they were digital locks, so if you had a lock, once you picked the lock, you could fix the lock. It's like once you unlock a house, someone can go in, and then you should be able to lock it again.
But we're talking about computer software and computer code here, so just for the folks back home, our Conservative colleagues think that blind people or people with hearing disabilities who have to extract a work may be engaged in all kinds of nefarious activities if they don't repair the lock after they've come into the cultural house. It seems to be a bizarre thing.
Our provision is the issue of repairing the TPM if it's been extracted for a legal purpose with a person with perceptual disabilities...just leave it alone. Why are you putting more pressure on people who are already facing numerous incapacities, inabilities to participate in culture? So this provision on having to be responsible for the lock and the state of the lock I find makes absolutely no sense, and it doesn't even respond to the real world.
Mr. Dionne Labelle, did you want to say anything, or are we content with this?