You're working for Hydro-Québec or a law firm and they give you a promotion, and they say they would like to tell people about you becoming a vice-president. They want a photograph, so you give him the photograph you gave your mother. The gentleman will say it was a non-commercial thing for him. He didn't make any money. He didn't sell it, rent it, or get one penny. It's true—it's non-commercial for him. For the photographer, normally the company would pay him for that kind of service, so it is a commercial thing for the photographer.
This is an example of when one photograph can be commercial and non-commercial at the same time. What do you do with that? We're saying that if it doesn't damage the business seriously, then you can do it. But if it damages a business in a big way, then there should be a limit. This has to be negotiated case by case.