Good morning, everyone.
I'd like to welcome our witnesses and guests to the sixth meeting of the Legislative Committee on Bill C-11.
Before we begin, I have a quick announcement that we have a minor technical glitch. Our proceedings and verification officer—who is fantastic, I might add—is very quick on making sure your microphone is on. Please make sure you do not touch your microphones today, especially numbers 17 and 18 and Mr. Lake, as it will cause a bit of a glitch.
With that, I'd just like to talk to our witnesses briefly. I know you have been briefed by our clerk. Each organization will have ten minutes to speak. After your ten-minute presentation, we'll get to questions and comments from the members, who will have five minutes each.
Introducing our guests, from CHUM Radio we have Richard Gray and Tanya Woods. From ole, we have Michael McCarty. From the Canadian Council of Archives, we have Nancy Marrelli.
Starting off our presentations for ten minutes will be CHUM Radio.