I call the meeting to order.
Good afternoon, everyone—witnesses and guests and members—to the seventh meeting of the Legislative Committee on Bill C-11. I want to welcome you all.
We did have two votes this afternoon. Unfortunately, this delayed us from getting here to start at 3:30, so of course we'll have to adjust the time during questioning.
Welcome, and I'll introduce each of you: from the Society for Reproduction Rights for Authors, Composers and Publishers in Canada, Alain Lauzon and Martin Lavallée; from Tucows Inc., Elliot Noss; and from Shaw Communications, Jean Brazeau, Cynthia Rathwell, and Jay Kerr-Wilson.
I believe you've all been briefed by the clerk that each organization, not each individual, will have 10 minutes, and 10 minutes only, to present. I will, unfortunately, step in after 10 minutes if you haven't wrapped up at that time.
We'll start off with the Society for Reproduction Rights for Authors, Composers and Publishers in Canada.
You have the floor for 10 minutes.